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IETS 2023, Lima (Peru)

Learn more about the proAKAP4 marker at the next IETS meeting ! The IETS 2023 is the annual meeting from the International Embryo Transfer Society, that was hold in Lima (Peru) from the 16 to the 19th January 2023.

Our collaborators and partners presented their results on proAKAP4 in donkey semen and the use of the Horse 4MID kits to assess semen quality in stallions and donkeys.

Their studies were published in the proceedings of the meeting in Reproduction, Fertility and Development Journal.

Dordas-Perpinyà M, Sergeant N, Yanez-Ortiz Y, Catalan J, Delehedde M, Bruyas JF, Briand-Amirat L and Miró J (2023) Characterization of proAKAP4 expression, metabolism and localization in Equus asinus spermatozoa. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. In Press.

4BioDx at the IETS 2023

Learn more about the Horse 4MID kit, click here.

All the international and national events where you can meet SPQI teams and learn more about proAKAP4 marker, click here.