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Camel 4MID® Kit (proAKAP4 marker)

Reference: : 4VDX-19K11

The Camel 4MID® Kit (Ref. 4BDX-19K11) is a robust immunoassay to quantify proAKAP4 protein in camel sperm samples as a biomarker of sperm quality and male fertility.

Data sheet




Camel proAKAP4 (all breeds)

Analytical range

0 ng à 100 ng

Sample type

fresh, chilled and frozen semen / isolated spermatozoa

More info

Innovative complete immunoassay to assess semen quality in camelid sperm.     

The Camel 4MID® Kit (Ref. 4VDX-19K11) contains all reagents and buffers required for the quantification of proAKAP4 protein in sperm of camelids (all breeds).

This ELISA Kit is the 1st functional test to evaluate sperm quality in camelids.

The concentration of the proAKAP4 protein is a good indicator of sperm quality and of how the spermatozoa can keep its motility high and efficient up to fecundation (Sergeant et al., 2019 ; Malo et al. 2021)

proAKAP4 values

High concentrations of proAKAP4 help select semen with long lasting motility and are indicative of good spermatogenesis, giving more mature, more “normal’ spermatozoa and less tail abnormalities ratio in semen samples (Sergeant et al. 2019 ; Malo et al. 2031 ; Bastan et Askay, 2021).

Technical data :

  • Name: Camel 4MID® Kit
  • Reference: 4VDX-19K11
  • Specificity: proAKAP4 from camelids (camel, llama, alpaca)
  • Ref.: 4BDX-19K11
  • This ELISA kit allows to assess from 1 to 88 samples simultaneously or individually (12 breakable strips of 8 wells per 96 wells microplate / per kit).
  • Easy to use immunoassay 
  • Easy to interpret (give a number)
  • Robust, objective and reproductible method

Research Use Only Product (RUO) / Not for Diagnosis or Therapeutic Use.

Main references about AKAP4/proAKAP4:

Complete list of references on proAKAP4/AKAP4 sperm quality marker upon request at

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