Innovative complete immunoassay to assess semen quality and fertility in boars.
The Pig 4MID® Kit (Ref. 4VDX-18K2) is the first immunoassay that validates objectively semen quality by quantifying a protein biomarker named proAKAP4 in samples of pig semen.
This ELISA kit is the 1st functional test to evaluate sperm quality in boars.
The dosage of the proAKAP4 biomarker with the 4MID® Kit, will bring you:
- Objective information on semen quality
- Boar Follow-ups
- Objective information of dose shelf-life (D=1, D+3, D+5)
- Traceability in the quality of the semen (reproducible results)
- A functional indicator of male fertility and prolificity (Sergeant et al. 2019)
The concentration of the proAKAP4 biomarker is a good indicator of sperm quality and of how the spermatozoa can keep its motility high and efficient overtimes.

Technical data
- Name: Pig 4MID® Kit
- Reference : 4VDX-18K2
- To assay from 1 to 88 samples (12 breakable strips of 8 well per plate / kit))
- Working with fresh ejaculate or chilled semen in extenders
- Also working with boar frozen semen (straw)
- Easy to use
- Easy to interpret (give a number)
- Robust, objective and reproductible method
Research Use Only Product (RUO) / Not for Diagnosis or Therapeutic Use.
References about AKAP4/proAKAP4 as a male fertility marker:
- Carracedo S, Briand-Amirat L, Dordas-Perpinyà M, Ramos Escuredo Y, Delcombel R, Sergeant N and Delehedde M (2022) ProAKAP4 protein marker: towards a functional approach to male fertility. Animal Reproduction Science. Vol.247(107074):1-20.
- Sergeant N, Briand-Amirat L, Bencharif D and Delehedde M (2019) The Sperm Specific Protein ProAKAP4 as an innovative marker to evaluate sperm quality and fertility. Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences. Vol. 11:01-19.
- Bastan I and Akcay E (2021) Quality assessment of frozen bull semen with the precursor A-kinase anchor pro-tein 4 biomarker. Andrologia e14164.
- Delehedde M, Carracedo S, Selleslagh M, et al. ProAKAP4 polypeptide as a biomarker of sperm functionality and male fertility disorders. Int J Gynecol and Reprod Sci. (2019);2(1):13-19.
- Delehedde M, Blommaert D, Jouy N Scabello J, Miersman H, Franck T, Serteyn D, Mitchell and Sergeant S (2018) Concentration of proAKAP4 as a pertinent read-out of sperm quality in mammals. Animal Reproduction Science. Vol. 194:e24.
- Li X, Linqing Z, Jieli F, Lirui W, Qiangzhen Y, Peifei L and Yuhua L (2018) Quantitative proteomic profiling indicates the difference in reproductive efficiency between Meishan and Duroc boar spermatozoa. Theriogenology. Vol. 116:71-82.
- Teijeiro JM, Cabada MO and Marini PE (2008) Sperm binding glycoprotein (SBG) produces calcium and bicarbonate dependent alteration of acrosome morphology and protein tyrosine phosphorylation on boar sperm. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. Vol. 103:1413-1423.
- Teijeiro JM, Dapino DG and Marini PE (2011) Porcine oviduct sperm binding glycoprotein and its deleterious effect on sperm: a mechanism for negative selection of sperm? Biological Research. Vol. 44:329-337.
- Teijeiro JM and Marini PE (2012) The effect of oviductal deleted in malignant brain tumor 1 over porcine sperm is mediated by a signal transduction pathway that involves proAKAP4 phosphorylation. Reproduction. Vol. 143:773-785.
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