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ProAKAP4: A New Parameter to Evaluate the Semen Quality

ProAKAP4 represents today a new molecular parameter to assess the quality of sperm.


Among biomarkers, the specificity of proAKAP4 polypeptide is to be inside the spermatozoa, more precisely in the column and ribbons of the fibrous sheath of the principle piece of the flagellum. The proAKAP4 polypeptide is a clearly instrumental for sperm flagella morphology and consequently, sperm motility (Delehedde et al., 2019).


ProAKAP4 concentrations can be easily measured with sandwich ELISA assays called the 4MID® Kits. These functional assays give a number that allow to qualify proAKAP4 directly in the ejaculated (Sergeant et al., 2019).


Being correlated with the motility of sperm, and therefore with living sperm, proAKAP4 could be useful in terms of assessing the functionality of sperm.


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