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AD/PD 2019: Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases Meeting

4biodx adpd 2019

From the 26th to the 31st of March 2019 in Lisbon (Portugal) took place the AD/PD 2019 meeting: International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases.

This event which takes place every 2 years, bring together medical and scientific professionals from all around the world involved in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

The cofounder of SPQI - 4BioDx were present there to meet collaborators and present their latest research results with the anti-Tau [pS422] antibody (ref. 4BDX-1501), the anti-Tau [pS199] antibody (ref. 4BDX-1502) and the anti-APP [pT668] antibody (ref. 4BDX-1503) as biomarkers in neurodegenerative diseases.

For more informations about the AD/PD 2019click here

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